Would it be possible to do the same Xplr/pport function for providers that's currently possible for patients? I make employers (if I need to contact them), businesses, imaging centers, and all sort of entities like that providers in my system. This morning I'm going to the website of Inland Imaging, a large multi-location imaging center we use daily in Spokane to get the driving map to one of their centers. It's available in PDF on their website. I could go to the work to chickenfoot it, but there are many other documents about Inland Imaging (like prep for imaging tests, etc) all of which would be very handy to have in a pport folder, easily accessible by bringing up providers, Inland Imaging, then click Xplr. If the pport folder is placed in Dropbox, it's now available to all your client machines running Synapse.
I guess it's possible to add a button on the provider screen to link to a directory. Of course, my original plan was to use DekiWiki ( Links/Deki Wiki ) to store practice forms as this meant that everything was central and not limited to one network. But I can see that Dropbox does solve that problem by replicating the folders to everyone of your PCs.
I think Deki Wiki is good within Synapse as a repository for documents not patient or provider related. As storage tank for information about providers, you still have to make a new tab/folder for that provider, and after that navigate to it yourself. Synapse does the navigation for you when you click the Xplr or pport button, plus using the Dropbox method stuff is automatically available to all your Synapse clients.
I can see that using Deki Wiki as I have it implemented would be an issue if you have a lot of providers that you need to access in this way. The XPLR method is easy to implement. And the free hosted Deki Wiki is no longer available for new users.
I have changed my Dropbox preferences to place the Dropbox folder to C:\My Dropbox\. So now pport folder is C:\My Dropbox\pport on all my machines running the Synapse client. I imagine the name of the Dropbox folder can be changed from "My Dropbox" to something else, but that's what it is by default. The Dropbox installer sets the folder to C:\user name\My Documents\My Dropbox by default, which obviously won't do across multiple machines for Synapse. Anyway, this is now working well for me to coordinate the pport files and folders across multiple machines. Sometimes Dropbox has to connect via NAT rather than Bridged Mode in some VM network connections for me, even if I can connect to the Internet in Bridged Mode.