Vaccine Dates are not recorded. It would be nice to be able to both delete incorrect entries and edit old dates.
Works for me ... see Are you filling in all the fields? What are the exact steps you are taking?
I think I would have noticed it before. I think old immunizations that probably used to have dates ... don't now. Is there a IBOconsole query to see if the dates are there, but not showing ? Hmmm .. updated server from b33 to b38 ... no effect.
I noticed something. When I add the immunization, the date actually shows for one millisecond (in fact, it seems all the immunizations do have a date), but it seems to instantly refresh, and the refreshed screen's date is: None. That must be good hint ? Tickler dates work.
I had a look at the code to retrieve vaccine data ... nothing there that would modify the display of data after it arrives.
I added another vaccination on a test patient. quite clearly, the new vaccination instantly appears with a date, but it refreshes and it doesn't have a date. I don't think older vaccinations have a date during this refresh period, as I surmised previously. When I add a new vaccination ... it appears on the first line. It then refreshes to appear in order of vaccine expiry date (?guessing) (not a helpful order BTW, should be by vaccination date - maybe it does for you ! ). when I appears ... the vdate is gone and it says none. Seems the server is rejecting the date ?
Well, this is pretty odd .. the function that adds the vaccinations checks for a valid date value before it adds the vaccine. So, after adding a vaccine with the latest server, you are still getting null dates?
Yep. Same in my partner's REMR.fdb He only had 2 (me playing with it once before, and I just did another one).
I guess you could try changing the colum to date instead of timestamp to see if it makes any difference.