R84B78 for Windows 16 June 2010 Bugfix - recent drughistory was returning an error when using acroforms intermittently Bugfix - adding patients to waiting room gave a sql conversion error on the exact minute
B84B80 for Windows 1 July 2010 Bugfix - passing an invalid filename to the server from the fax client would crash the server
R84B86 for Windows 15 Aug 2010 New - beta status is now displayed on the status panel New - backup button on the status panel New - now uses a unique backup log so as not to block the S3 backup if file is locked New - downloads s3copy.exe and runs it to check if .net is installed
R84B87 for Windows 21 Aug 2010 Bugfix - client drops connection if tries to send a HL7 report of 9kb. So support added for splitting up reports New - a new "File ALL" function that allows you to file all your unseen results without having to view them. A new client will be released to implement these
R84B95 4 Nov 2010 Lots of changes to support PQRI and other EHR certification Processes The new events table may take 10 mins to be created and populated.
Hello, What is the status of the Linux version is there a place to get more info on this version ? thanks
Hi. There never was a Linux server build, but the Windows build did run under WINE. See http://compkarori.no-ip.biz:8090/Linux/Installing_Firebird_RDBMS_Win32_and_OBDC_under_PuppyLinux on how to setup the required ODBC connection. There was a Linux client build .. but it was not maintained due to lack of interest. AFAIK, the Windows client should run under Wine as well.
thanks you linux Thanks for the update .... does EMR meet US MedicAL reguirements HIPPA EMR etc ???? thanks again
R83B109 26 March 2011 * Bugfix - if a HL7 report is processed with multiple PIDs for the same patient, all results will now be added. Prior to this, subsequent results were dropped * This occurrence of multiple PIDs for the same patient is uncommon even rare.
15 March 2011 * Bugfix - when adding a new provider the registration should no longer says [ regno copy "" ]