Script for automating app on Facebook.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by sanali, Mar 1, 2009.

  1. sanali

    sanali New Member

    <pre id="pre">I am using an application on Facebook called Fighters' Club. My objective is to automate picking a fight with a friend. I recorded actions</pre><pre id="pre"> and used them for the script. The steps in italics work, the underlined last step, to actually submit (pick) a fight, does not. I have tried 6 different</pre><pre id="pre">web automation software and cannot get past the last step. I need help, PLEASE.
    </pre><pre id="pre"></pre><pre id="pre">click("Pick Fight")
    click("I want to pick a fight with ...")
    enter("I want to pick a fight with ...", "Alf Boost")
    click("because ...")
    enter("because ...", "Boost for me. Thank you. <<<=========<<")
    click("This is a support/rep fight ( no hitting allowed ) ( what is this? )")
    check("This is a support/rep fight ( no hitting allowed ) ( what is this? )")

    <u>click("pick fight button")</u>
  2. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

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