Graham, Regarding the Detailed Editor's Examination Applet, it would be very handy to have an "erase comma" function, similar to the ". Fullstop" function. Every adjective clicked has a comma auto-added, and sometimes the comma is not wanted. Rather than having to move the mouse hand to the keyboard to "manually" edit the comma out, it would be handy to have a clickable ", no comma" function to remove the "offending" comma and replace it with a space.
We do lots of 847.2 Lumbar Spain. In the Examination Applet, Musculoskeletal, I have the following: anatomy -->LUMBAR SPINE:-->adjectives-->ROM is moderately limited, mild paravertebral spasm, exquisite tenderness to palpation (I have a lot more than that, but this is for example). So I want to construct the following: LUMBAR SPINE: ROM is moderately limited with mild paravertebral spasm to the left greater than right from about L2-S2. Clicking on phrase one, I get LUMBAR SPINE: ROM is moderately limited, I now want to eliminate the comma, click on "with" in the green bar containing clickable articles and pronouns, then click on the phrase "mild paravertebral spasm". It would be nice not to have to manually erase the comma and insert a space instead, especially for a complex phrase that uses several of the words in the green bar. Incidently, I discovered a neat trick. You can make a "dummy" anatomy item like "degrees" that contain degrees. When you click it, just click the "DEL" button which deletes the previous word thus deleting your dummy anatomy item.
Ok, added a ",X" button to remove ", " but also both 'and and 'with will remove preceding commas and replace with a space.
Ah, this really helps. Much faster in my initial trials than manually editing the comma out, and very fast to re-add the comma if needed. I'm really coming to appreciate the Examination Editor for use with a Laptop in the exam room. With my attention partially diverted by listening to the patient, I find that being able to click "on auto-pilot" as much as possible is superior to a lot of typing because I am much more prone to make a lot of typing errors "in front of the patient".
Here's an example of a phrase that would be very frustrating without the new ",X" feature (phrases are FB:, BB:, SB Bilat:, Rot Bilat:, 10 deg and so forth). This type of detail stuff is pretty tedious to type too, a lot easier clicking. LUMBAR SPINE: ROM: FB: 10 deg, BB: 25 deg, SB Bilat: 30 deg, Rot Bilat: 30 deg.
Well, here's how I did it with a Text macro, which I believe is every bit as quick as a GUI template, faster to design, and more flexible. Examination adjective text for ROM: FB: *lsrom* deg, BB: *lsrom* deg, SB Left: *lsrom* deg, SB Right: *lsrom* deg, Rot Right:, *lsrom* deg, Rot Left:, *lsrom* deg.. *lsrom* macro choices: 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 45 60 70 80 90 100 110 I might decide to add a couple more degree choices, but this seems to work well for now.
I agree, though, that having to use the ",X" remove comma function to create each ROM element is way slow and kloogy. This brings up a question. Would is be possible to make it so that a left click on an adjective in the Examination Applet adds a comma, but right clicking on it does not add a comma? Here's another example of something I made up for DTR'S that has a lot of one or two word choices. It would be a lot faster without having to remove all the commas. It's actually decently fast to use even having to remove the commas. Exam element: Neuro Anatomy: DTR'S Adjectives: +0/4, +0-1/4, +1/4, +1-2/4, +2/4, +3/4, +4/4, at the, right, left, bilaterally, bilat, R, L, B, biceps, bicep, brachioradialis, knee, knees, ankle, ankles, knees and ankles bilat,