We have released a LivePC containing the Synapse EMR server and client in a virtual PC. You need to download the Moka5 engine, and install it. If you wish to run the Synapse EMR LivePC from a USB drive that you can take anywhere with you, then choose the USB install option when installing the Moka5 engine. You'll need a 4Gb USB drive to allow for some expansion. A 8Gb drive would be even better. Once Moka5 is installed, click on the Add New LivePC button, and browse to this address http://www.moka5.com/node/2232. Click on the download button. The Moka5 engine will then start the download. Depending upon how fast your internet connection is, it may take 20 mins, or a whole day, to download the LivePC. Instructions are available at the download site, and in the readme.txt file on the desktop.
Here is where the readme is located once you install Synapse LivePC. This is a better thread to discuss the LivePC:<h4 class="ForumPostTitle"> Synapse's LiveCD http://synapsedirect.com/forums/thread/5373.aspx</h4>
If there are no current major issues with the linux synapse, I'll update the LivePC with the latest version.
There is a problem with updating the LivePC. I'm guessing the moka5 new site and software is responsible. I'll look at writing an upgrade script that does it automatically for everyone.
A tool to update your LivePC is now available. http://www.compkarori.com/emr/upgrade-synapse-livepc Save it to your desktop and run it. if it needs to be made executable, then from a shell
You may need to run this from a console as admin eg. sudo ./upgrade-synapse-livepc and use the password m5 when prompted.