Initial issues

Discussion in 'Setup & Installation' started by vtpaindoc, Jun 22, 2008.

  1. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

  2. vtpaindoc

    vtpaindoc New Member

    We have a few questions:

    1. Is there a field for copays? If not, can it be placed somewhere in this field.

    2. PHCP, for my practice is NEVER me. All my patients are referred from a primary or other doc. How can we make it so on this screen?

  3. Jason

    Jason Developer / Handyman Staff Member

    (1) Copay is an excellent Idea, especially if it remains fairly consistent. That should definitely be added.

    (2) When you click on the little eye to assign a PHCP ... the only people coming up are doctors. You must have your receptionist assigned as a doctor.

    To check that out ... look in >People>Staff.

    To add family doctor's to your PHCP list, use the little eye below that and choose [Make Primary]

    - I have shown two ways ... one in the Providers tab and another right from the Personal&Contact Tab.

    Hope that helps.

    Attached Files:

  4. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    Regarding co-payments, this sounds like a PMS function .. so not at this time.

    As for PHCP, this is a misnomer if you're not a FP .. as it refers to the doc who is looking after this patient when they come to your practice. If you're a single practitoner, it will always be you.

    The PHCP field is then used for
    • HL7 incoming data
    • Autofiling - so autofiled results go to the right doc
    • Web portal messages
    As Jason says, the field below is for the referring practitoner, and the fields below are for any other practitioners involved in this patient's care so that you can easily CC letters to them.
  5. Jason

    Jason Developer / Handyman Staff Member

    I think it is a really important value that American Docs refer to alot. Certainly just having the patient's Insurance Information is a PMS function so core Synapse already has PMS functions.

    Instead of PHCP:, how about "Provider:"
  6. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    Or Staff: ?
  7. Jason

    Jason Developer / Handyman Staff Member

    My Secretary is part of my staff.
  8. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    Mlost North Americans understand what you mean when you say you're "on staff"

  9. Jason

    Jason Developer / Handyman Staff Member

    Well Provider is more self explanatory .... but how explanatory do you need to be when you click on the little eye and only doctors show up [:)]
  10. vtpaindoc

    vtpaindoc New Member


    another Q...

    I've adapted several templates to my liking. How do I eliminate the commas between choices of a check-group? I've placed "no commas" at the very end of the code but it doesn't do the trick.

  11. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    Please post your template here.
  12. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    Ok, I've looked at the source code ... seems the no-commas directive removes "commas" in every widget except the check-group and hcheck-group widgets. I must have left those alone for a reason! Let's see your template and I can decide whether to remove the commas from those widgets or if there is some other approach we can take.
  13. vtpaindoc

    vtpaindoc New Member

    Here is an example. I know the boxes overlap. I'm also struggling with resolution issues on Motion M-series TPCs:

    group-box 80x60 "" data [
    check-group 78x58 "" data [

    "The sx are exacerbated by: " none
    "sitting" none
    "standing" none
    "ambulation" none
    "forward bending" none
    "position changes, especially sitting to standing" none
    "extending from a flexed position" none
    "use of the involved joint/weight bearing" none
    "no reliable exacerbaters" none


    at 0x58

    group-box 80x86 "" data [
    check-group 78x88 "" data [

    "The sx are improved by: " none
    "sitting" none
    "lying down" none
    "rest" none
    "standing" none
    "ambulation" none
    "forward bending" none
    "position changes" none
    "local application of ice" none
    "local application of heat" none
    "nothing" none


    at 0x130

    group-box 80x56 "" data [
    check-group 78x58 "" data [

    "There is significant nocturnal discomfort." none
    "The discomfort is worse upon awakening." none
    "The discomfort improves as the day progresses." none
    "The discomfort is worse as the day progresses." none



    at 60x0

    group-box 60x80 "" data [
    check-group 58x78 "" data [

    "Currently managed with " none
    "NSAIDs." none
    "APAP." none
    "muscle relaxants." none
    "Tramadol." none
    "short-acting opiates." none
    "long-acting opiates." none
    "anticonvulsants." none
    "antidepressants." none
    "Notes improved relief with recent medication adjustment." none


    at 120x0

    group-box 62x70 "" data [
    check-group 60x70 "" data [

    "The Pt has had " none
    "no skilled physical therapy." none
    "skilled physical therapy with relief" none
    "skilled physical therapy without relief" none
    "spinal manipulation with relief," none
    "no spinal manipulation. " none
    "spinal manipulation without relief" none
    "no interventional procedures." none
    "interventional procedures with relief." none
    "interventional procedures without relief." None
    "Acupuncture with only partial, short-term relief." none



    at 180x0

    group-box 60x40"" data [
    check-group "" data [

    "Presents today for a possible injection into the region." none
    "The patient is trying to postpone a total joint arthroplasty." none
    "Presents today for an intra-articular hip injection (diagnostic only)." none
    "We have treated, with a favorable outcome, a friend/family member of this patient; they present today for our opinion/recommendations." none


    at 180x60

    group-box 60x100 "" data [
    check-group "" data [

    "Pt. denies any new foot drop, bowel or bladder issues." none
    "He denies any new foot drop, bowel, bladder or new onset ED issues." none

    " The Pt. also notes " none

    at 180x160

    label ""
    area 60x30

  14. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    This is a really big template .. I think I would break it up into two smaller templates and link them using a linked text macro.

    What's wrong with this, commas and all??

    group-box -1x-1 "" data [
    slabel "The symptoms are exacerbated by: " return

    hcheck-group 70x40 "" data [

    "sitting" none
    "standing" none
    "ambulation" none
    "forward bending" none
    "position changes, especially sitting to standing" none
    "extending from a flexed position" none
    "use of the involved joint/weight bearing" none
    "no reliable exacerbaters" none

  15. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    Note, the check-group widget inserts text vertically into your clinical note, but the hcheck-group inserts them "h"orizontally.
  16. vtpaindoc

    vtpaindoc New Member

    Still would like to get rid of the commas. If you think that was a long template you should see my medium-length examples!

    any consideration for support of older, resolution-challenged TPCs ?
  17. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    What is the max resolution of your TPC?

    Not sure why you want rid of the commas for ... as if you have a list of exacerbating factors, you need some type of separator.

    It would be better for you to break up your templates into parts and load them separately.

  18. vtpaindoc

    vtpaindoc New Member

    The M series Motions max @ 1024x768.

    Next question:

    I'm trying to configure PS templates for faxing letters to MDs. I thought I saw a way to Change "yours Sincerely" to something else. Am I mistaken ?

    I have changed my JPG logo for letterhead to eps but am still having difficulty placing cf properly. What size in Pixels does the "I'm The Doc" translate to in the default letter?
  19. vtpaindoc

    vtpaindoc New Member

    So is there no command to delete commas?
  20. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    Beta-32 works with this rez.

    See Settings/User/Letters/Closing - you'll need to max your screen to see it ... it may be hidden, or u need to scroll

    Don't understand. Note that what previews on screen for eps is not what prints out.

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