Current Imaging Tab: One of my most commonly ordered tests is an abdominal U/S, can that be added ? If I order a liver,spleen,kidney,aorta U/S the Imaging folks will get confused. The requisitions here have two categories: Ultrasound Abdomen: includes liver, kidney, spleen and aorta. Ultrasound Pelvis: includes bladder, prostate, ovaries, uterus, endometrium.
My only rationale is that I sometimes order tests outside of visits. If someone has abnormal LFTs, I'll order an abdo U/S. Ideally I would like to have a record of a date I ordered a test - in case they don't go ... etc. I certainly don't need any codification (investigation code). If you wanted to LOINC codes ..... I would use the HL7 Report codes .. on page 14/15 As I said, I don't really need the orders codified. Nice Spellchecking the HL7 group uses on their documents
I've looked at this and although adding an abdomen is easy, recording in orders is not since those orders are closely tied to billing and unique tracking numbers. The codes are actually CPT codes.