HP Proliant Microserver

Discussion in 'Synapse' started by Graham, Jun 5, 2011.

  1. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    I recently purchased a HP Proliant Microserver to see if I could install Synapse-server on it. This is a fairly inexpensive server from HP with ECC ram, and software Raid.

    For a review see http://www.silentpcreview.com/article1193-page1.html

    I bought the standard base configuration which was 1Gb of ECC ram, and a single 160Gb drive, and ordered the DVD writer, an extra 1gb of ECC ram and an extra 160Gb sata drive so that I could set up the Raid 1.

    It was fairly time consuming to assemble the unit due to the size constraints, but eventually I managed it. I also took the opportunity to purchase Windows 2008 foundation server which is the only way you can get it .. by purchasing server hardware from HP, Dell etc.

    Synapse-server hasn't been extensively tested with Windows 64 which Windows 2008 is ... and currently the utilities ( Cheyenne, the backup SSS.exe ) may not run. So, this rules out having the PWP or patient portal running. So, if you need those, you might be better off using Windows 2003 server instead .. though I presume you would have to load the RAID drivers somehow, or, do without RAID.

    I updated synapse-server so that it would install the latest builds of 64 bit firebird, and do a restore from my S3 backup. Unfortunately the process hangs when Synapse-server calls 7z to unpack the archive so you have to do this manually, and then modify the restore.cmd script to use the unpacked archive.

    I am doing a little testing and it seems to be pretty zippy ... so something to consider. I now need to find the time to update sss.exe so that it can use a dsn-less connection, and figure out how to get Cheyenne to do the same.

    The run.cmd looks like this
    synapse-server -port 8011 -user SYSDBA -pass masterkey -dsn %%/c/emr/remr.fdb
    and you need to have fbclient.dll in c:\program files\firebird\firebird_2_5\WOW64\fbclient.dll

    as this is currently hard coded into the latest Synapse server. Note that you don't create a DSN using the ODBC connection manager but use a DSN less connection. The two %% are required as Windows uses % as an escape character.

    In windows 2008 you'll need to open up an exception in the Windows firewall for Synapse-server.

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