The LivePC contains a tested and configured Synapse client and server. There is a readme.txt file on the desktop. It runs under Ubuntu 7.04. It can be downloaded from the Moka5 site. It will usually run under a Windows host PC, or OSX. If you don't have Moka5 installed, you need to download the installer first. If you wish to run the LivePC from a USB drive ( so that you can run it on any host PC with sufficient resources ), you need to choose the option to install to the USB drive. When subsequently you plug in the USB drive to a host PC, it offers to install the Moka5 client on that PC so it can run your LivePC for you. You'll need at least a 2Gb USB drive, and a larger one would be better. The host PC needs at least 1Gb of ram. Less than this and the LivePC will run slowly. The LivePC contains a tested and configured Synapse client and server. There is a readme.txt file on the desktop. Updating The LivePC system allows the LivePC maintainer to update the image and this propagates down to all the users of the LivePC ( if they have unchecked the option to "keep my changes" ). This means that all the system data and binaries will be updated, but the user's data is not. The user data is in the /home directory and below. Directories: The Synapse binaries are stored in /opt/synapse/ and are symlinked from the user directories. User Directory /home/m5/Desktop/Synapse Client/ - the Synapse linux client runs from here. The client is symlinked to /opt/synapse/synapse-linux /home/m5/.wine/drive_c/EMR/ - the user's database and scans are stored here. This directory needs to be backed up. Use the script on the Desktop which copies files to /home/m5/Desktop/Live PC Documents/ which is a directory mapped to the Windows My Documents directory.