converting med lists - an easier way ?

Discussion in 'Feature: Requests and Planning' started by Jason, Nov 7, 2006.

  1. Jason

    Jason Developer / Handyman Staff Member

    I havepatient's medication lists .. often in a format like this. Stored in a Word file.

    Hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg po od
    Norvasc 10 mg po od
    bisoprolol 5 mg po od
    vitamin B12
    Arthrotec 75 mg po bid
    ramipril 10 mg po od
    pravastatin 40 mg po od
    aspirin 81 mg po od

    or more often like this -- (with the M and the R)

    Hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg po od M: 100 R; 3
    Norvasc 10 mg po od M: 100 R: 3
    bisoprolol 5 mg po od M: 100 R; 3
    vitamin B12
    Arthrotec 75 mg po bid M: 200 R; 3
    ramipril 10 mg po od M: 100 R: 3
    pravastatin 40 mg po od M: 100 R: 3
    aspirin 81 mg po od M: 100 R: 3

    Any ideas how to convert this any quicker ?

    The big time wasters arehitting the[add] and [clear] buttons. I think the fieldsshould be autocleared, once you hit [add]. For the rare time when you hit add and you actually want the text in the boxes (ie. you want to make a change), you could always select the medication in the list and the fields would populate.

    To convert these lists I cut and paste the drug name (usually on the secon monitor), and then type in the rest (ie. dose and instructions).

  2. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    There was a reason why I chose not to clear the fields ... I'll let you know once I remember it!

    This is a one time operation for you I guess. I would just make sure the receptionist does this for you before you see the patient!

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