Client 211 betas

Discussion in 'New Release and Beta Release Information' started by Graham, Aug 18, 2007.

  1. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    I'm going to look at improving the templating language ... a template just submitted makes me think we need a way to say "negative" and "positive"


    at 0x24 label "Lachmann's test" (wide) radio-group 20x5 data ["-v" "+v"]

    Which will produce: Lachmann's test negative.

  2. Jason

    Jason Developer / Handyman Staff Member

    Good idea.
  3. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    R211B1 is now up.

    Includes the following changes to the template dialect

    "+v" => positive
    "-v" => negative
    "R" => right
    "L" => left

    and a new widget called "slabel" which will be always included into the text.

  4. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    Proposed template changes:

    Currently we have a template title that we use to find the template we wish to use. Inside the template there is always a group-box.

    So, we have:

    title: "Neuro - short exam"
    group-box -1x-1 "cns" data [ ... content .. ]

    Now when the template is executed, it takes the first word from the title, and inserts that into the text.
    Then it takes the title of the group-box, which is "cns" here, and inserts "cns:" ie. adds a colon to it.

    I'm considering no longer using the title text, and also not using the group-box text, and instead achieve the same effect with a slabel widget.

    This would allow more flexibility ... but also would mean changing all the existing templates.

  5. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member


    1. Enforces security for receptionist on the 2nd (Details) row of tabs
  6. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member


    1. The inbox status popup now has buttons on it to take you to the relevant pages
    2. A template error has been eliminated
  7. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member


    1. A new sticky template widget - sedit-list - which does not require a preceding radio-group

    group-box "low back pain examination" -1x-1 data [
    slabel "gait" (wide) edit-list "" data [ "normal" "antalgic" ] return
    slabel "gait2" (wide) sedit-list "" data [ "normal" "antalgic" ]

    If you look at this template there is no preceding radio-group infront of the edit-list ( first row of widgets in the template). So, even though you populate the edit-list with data, eg "antalgic", when you save it ... the text is not incorporated into the consultation. You only get "gait". The reason for this is that the radio-group allows you to ignore parts of the examination.

    However, if you always want to examine everything, it would be tedious having to put in a radio-group in front of each edit-list. Hence the new widget, which is a sticky one, the sedit-list. You will note that if you populate the sedit-list, the text is now incorporated into the consult. But if you leave it blank, the text " untested " appears instead. We might possibly change this.

    So, we have either : gait2 antalgic, or gait2 normal, or gait2 untested as possible outcomes from the bottom row of widgets in this template.
  8. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member


    1. A new sticky template widget - sfield - which does not require a preceding radio-group ( ie. asticky field widget )
  9. Jason

    Jason Developer / Handyman Staff Member

    Could you please make screenshots of the new stuff, it's hard for me to understand the new features.
  10. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member


    1. A new check-group widget called hcheck-group that lays out text horizontally rather than vertically.


    group-box "" -1x-1 data [
    100x-1 data [
    "Vitamin D" none
    "Calcium" none
    "Fasting Lipids" none
    "Fastling Glucose" none
    "HbA1c" none
    "hs-CRP" none
    "CRP" none
    "CBC and ESR" none
    "Liver panel" none

    When you check the tests, the text is incorporated like: Vitamin D, Calcium, Fasting Lipids etc

    as opposed to

    Vitamin D
    Fasting Lipids

    which is what you get with the existing check-group widget.
  11. kgmamman

    kgmamman New Member

    These new widgets "stickylabels" is definitely making template designing a lot easier.
  12. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member


    1. All the usual Rebol colors are now available in templates
    2. Reverting to today is now a preference in add results window
    3. stext is a new widget like text, but the text is always added to the consult
    4. A
      new "Stamp" button in the editor inserts a timestamp into the text for
      those people who wish to add additional comments to an existing

    The Rebol colors and their associated rgb values are:

    black: 0.0.0
    coal: 64.64.64
    gray: 128.128.128
    pewter: 170.170.170
    silver: 192.192.192
    snow: 240.240.240
    white: 255.255.255

    blue: 0.0.255
    green: 0.255.0
    cyan: 0.255.255
    red: 255.0.0
    yellow: 255.255.0
    magenta: 255.0.255

    navy: 0.0.128
    leaf: 0.128.0
    teal: 0.128.128
    maroon: 128.0.0
    olive: 128.128.0
    purple: 128.0.128

    orange: 255.150.10
    oldrab: 72.72.16
    brown: 139.69.19
    coffee: 76.26.0
    sienna: 160.82.45
    crimson: 220.20.60
    violet: 72.0.90
    brick: 178.34.34
    pink: 255.164.200
    gold: 255.205.40
    tan: 222.184.135
    beige: 255.228.196
    ivory: 255.255.240
    linen: 250.240.230
    khaki: 179.179.126
    rebolor: 142.128.110
    wheat: 245.222.129
    aqua: 40.100.130
    forest: 0.48.0
    water: 80.108.142
    papaya: 255.80.37
    sky: 164.200.255
    mint: 100.136.116

    reblue: 38.58.108
    base-color: 200.200.200
    yello: 255.240.120
  13. kgmamman

    kgmamman New Member

    Is there an option for changing passwords? I did try to change in R211B5 but could not.
  14. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    Yes, this should work. I did this recently myself.

    Describe what steps you took ...
  15. kgmamman

    kgmamman New Member

    What I meant was changing the admin's password. I signed in asadmin, then - people- staff - and in the password column typed in the new password and then update : failed to validate. The other staff can be changed.
  16. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    Hmm. The "failed to validate" message means that the screen values have not been entered in correctly ie. it is not sent to the server. I can certainly change the pasword on an admin account.

    Would you check that all fields are filled in ... is the cursor shown sitting in a field after the error message??
  17. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    I am not able to reproduce this problem ... I can login as admin and change the password.

    Would someone upload a screenshot of the screen just before they click on the "Update" button ...
  18. Jason

    Jason Developer / Handyman Staff Member


    Attached Files:

  19. Jason

    Jason Developer / Handyman Staff Member

    Notes: My userid doesn't have a job Title. When clicking on other profiles ... the Password dialog does not update.

  20. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    You must fill in all the fields ... enter a job title and it should work.

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