Signing Acroforms

Discussion in 'Feature: Requests and Planning' started by Graham, Sep 21, 2009.

  1. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    Many Acroforms require that you add your signature to the bottom - an archaic requirement in this era of digital paper.

    For a single physician practice, the simplest thing to do is to embed your signature as an image onto the blank Acroform. But this method scales poorly if you add another practitioner to the mix. If you have Paperport, you can take the finished Acroform, and add a stamp to it. A little tedious too.

    Jarnal is able to open a PDF as a background and draw on it, and in Beta 38 I have added that facility for prescriptions. But Acroforms are a different matter as if you load the pdf into Jarnal, you will lose all the form data.

    Maybe the solution is to hand though. On submitting an acroform, we can provide another link. This link brings down a flattened form of the Acroform with all the data embedded. And if we set the content type to application/jarnal-meta, then maybe we can then load the Acroform to be inked on .... so stay tuned as we experiment.

  2. Jason

    Jason Developer / Handyman Staff Member

    PDF Annotator would work well.

  3. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    PDF annotator is a commercial $50 clone of Jarnal says the Jarnal author.
  4. Jason

    Jason Developer / Handyman Staff Member

    For this simple use it might be a clone. I'll try Jarnal and see how it functions.
  5. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    The pwp so far for me allows one to flatten the PDF with the form data ... but the Jarnal mime type is not working. It brings up a blank Jarnal instance without the PDF background.

  6. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    Ok, figured out with David Levine's help ( author of Jarnal ) what the problem was here. So now can download the flattened PDF into Jarnal for inking.

    Now to figure out if it's possible to save the PDF as a JPEG back to the server.
  7. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    Well, I can now save the annotated PDF back to localhost so I need to now insert the PDF into the patient record.

  8. Jason

    Jason Developer / Handyman Staff Member

    Is it now possible to "change" files in cache-listener ?

    Let's say my Windows Journal files ?
  9. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    I wasn't aware that your Journal files were in cache-listener.

    You basically need an internet aware application ... I don't think Journal is.

  10. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    The workflow for including a signed consent form into the notes can be like this.

    1. Click on the Acroform consent form

    2. Fill in the procedure part ( everything else should be auto filled )

    3. Submit the form to Synapse web portal where the Acroform gets flattened and also inserted into the files database

    4. A link appears to download the flattened form

    5. It downloads to Jarnal and the patient signs it with a tablet pen

    6. The form is then saved using the "network save" option

    7. It gets saved to the cache-listener directory as a PDF

    8. It can now be backed up to S3 ( it could not be backed up before because the flattened version is outside the cache listener ).

    ... actually 4 steps for the users ... still sounds a lot.
  11. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

  12. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    This has now been enabled in the web portal.

    When you click on the "jarnal" link, in firefox, a RSP page will sent to your browser with the mime type of application/jarnal-meta

    You need to configure firefox to run the file jarnalweb.cmd which you need to create in your jarnal directory

    It has the following contents:

    java -Xmx256m -jar c:\rebol\rebgui\jarnal\jarnal.jar -m %1

  13. Jerry

    Jerry Administrator Staff Member

    Hmmm... doesn't look too unmanageable in the video. I'm not using a tablet pc currently, but I know there are bluetooth projection pens in addition to attached tablets and so forth that could be used to collect a signature.
  14. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    I guess you could use a mouse to try it out ... have you tried it yet?

    Of course it can be also used to "fill" in forms.
  15. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

  16. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    This has been tweaked so it is now working for others on Amazon.

  17. Jason

    Jason Developer / Handyman Staff Member

    They aren't. They reside on my Tablet.

    What I wan't is to be able to call up my Journal files from Synapse Clients.
  18. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    Don't see why you can't now if you're running a vpn and your journal files are on a network folder.

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