server crash when image file missing

Discussion in 'Bugs & Issues' started by Graham, Sep 13, 2006.

  1. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    Currently if a file fails to make it to the server when uploaded as a result, then if you try and retrieve that file later on by looking at a result, the server will crash.

    This is fixed in the next server release ( > 61 ) so that you receive a message that the file is missing, or that the image is corrupted.
  2. Jason

    Jason Developer / Handyman Staff Member

    Even better might be to warn the user more strongly that the file didn't transfer to the server well.

    I've uploaded 100s of files without a hitch so I can't imagine why there was only one file that had trouble.

    On second thought, I think I know ... it was probably that dead NIC card that caused my one computer to send files at 1.5K/s ! I probably halted the transfer. The files were taking like 20 seconds to transfer with that bad NIC card ! Now they transfer in 1/5 second. I'd bet that if a computer froze *WHILE* transferring the file .. this problem could be reproduced. It must be a rare problem ... as it's hard to image the bad timing it would take to freeze a computer in that 1/5sec window.


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