Scanning computer is truncating filenames in the browser and it's displaying previous patient data (

Discussion in 'Bugs & Issues' started by Jason, Feb 22, 2007.

  1. Jason

    Jason Developer / Handyman Staff Member

    scenario: my secretary said when she hit [View with Browser] it was displaying the wrong file. She was right. I figured out the problem. When the documents are [View with Browser]'d - the filenames are truncating. In this situation the two files existed:

    Lastname1, First1 - labs thyroid stable.pdf

    Lastname2, First2 - labs thyroid stable.pdf

    All was fine when viewing Lastname1's file (which was truncated to stable.pdf). However, when Lastname2's file was truncated to stable.pdf ... the browser showed the previous patient's lab results. This confused the heck out of my secretary because she didn't know about the \www\ "cache" directory.

    (1) How can the filename truncation be fixed ?

    (2) In case a duplicate filename exists is it possible to overwrite if duplicate files ?

    Attached Files:

  2. Jason

    Jason Developer / Handyman Staff Member

    Upgraded to FireFox 2.0.1 - same problem.

  3. Jason

    Jason Developer / Handyman Staff Member

    Of course, if you *IGNORE* (or don't notice ) that the viewed file is the wrong one and you send the file to the server .... the file transfers fine (without the truncated filename). It's just a local issue. When viewing the file from the server there is no filename truncation.

    Using 203 beta 56.

    Maybe it's this computer ?

    I'll try filing from another computer.
  4. Jason

    Jason Developer / Handyman Staff Member

    Same result.

    The filenames are truncated. Any ideas ?

    FYI: because the "Scan Directory" is a server setting, not a local setting, you have to either file scans from the same directory on each computer or you have to change the scan directory (labourious). In a larger clinic, multiple filers, they would want each scan settings to be a local setting in some .ini type file.
  5. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    See if beta66 fixes the file name truncation issue.

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