printing sparklines

Discussion in 'Synapse' started by Graham, Aug 13, 2010.

  1. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    This is a new feature. It allows you to print the top 4 sparklines on your letters.

    Here's an example.
  2. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    And this way uses the left margin if the top of your page is occupied by a letter head.

    Attached Files:

  3. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member


    at 60x140 sparklines scale .4 .4 rotate 90

    sets the graph to start from 60x140, and uses a vertical orientation going up the left margin
    'Scale is optional, and here we scale the X and Y directions down to .4
    'Rotate is optional and the only choices are 0, and 90

    at 72x790 sparklines scale .4 .4

    Would put the sparklines at the top of the page in a horizontal direction

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