Manage Therapies/Durable Medical Goods Applet

Discussion in 'Feature: Requests and Planning' started by Jerry, Apr 22, 2009.

  1. Jerry

    Jerry Administrator Staff Member

    I would like to request a new applet that is very similar to the Manage Medications applet called "Manage Therapies/DMG" or something similar.

    This applet could be used to order/manage/view physical therapies, occupational therapy, chiropractic, massage, acupunture, durable medical goods, and more.

    I could make a special consult just to keep track of therapies and
    durable medical goods, but then I have to go to that consult to view
    it, and there is no tracking. I would much rather be able to access it from the "clin" tab, right along with the left pane tabs "Rx & Dx", "Surgical & Social" or the applets in the right pane, such as "Manage Medications" or "Manage Diagnoses" so that I can review this stuff as I'm seeing the patient.

  2. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    This would be a lot of work ... not sure what priority I can give this.

    But please add it to the site so it doesn't get lost as new posts are made.

  3. Jerry

    Jerry Administrator Staff Member

    Alternatively, I could use the "Surgeries & Procedures" applet, but a full-blown applet just for therapies and durable medical goods would be better. I'll add it to the site.

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