I don't know where to being

Discussion in 'Synapse' started by pstrai, Mar 31, 2011.

  1. pstrai

    pstrai New Member

    I don't know where to begin

    Hello all,

    I just got hired at a university a couple days ago and today I found out that some of the students use Synapse EHR. Today, I was alerted because the program either wasn't functioning properly or no one knew how to properly use the software. The issue we were having is that nobody could edit or change patient records at all. Everybody could browse over the patient records but nothing could be changed. To test this I logged in as the admin. With the admin account I was able to add a new patient and change patient records, although I still haven't figured out how to delete a user.

    I am completely clueless on how to use this software and I don't even know how to create a new username to sign in with this software. All the usernames were added by the guy that I replaced. I really need some help with this. If there is any documentation you guys could point me too or if you guys know exactly how to solve some of the issues I am having that would be great and would be appreciated.
  2. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    I think you're confusing us with another software named Synapse EHR.
  3. Jason

    Jason Developer / Handyman Staff Member

    Yea, our Synapse provides much better service than that !

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