Foldershare kicks butt.

Discussion in 'Hardware and Software Tips and Suggestions' started by Jason, Jan 21, 2007.

  1. Jason

    Jason Developer / Handyman Staff Member

  2. JoelM

    JoelM New Member

    wow... have never heard of this before... setup on my server to replicate all my important data to home system.... I will have it replicate to 3 different pcs in 3 locations for a perfect backup solution in case of fire... theft... or hard drive crash!!! best of all.... FREE

    Thanks for the tip Jason!!!!

  3. Jason

    Jason Developer / Handyman Staff Member

    Foldershare is a work of art. It works very well.

    If you have any questions let me know.

    I use it more and more each day.

    A doc at the hospital logs into at the hospital and pulls up his dictations from his office while on call.

    For Synapse, if your hospital allows WIFI, you can use Hamachi to create a secure VPN to your office and Synapse works either as fast or faster it seems *FROM THE HOSPITAL !*

    I am going to get a WIFI account at the hospital and I'll impress the hospital docs that I will be the first doctor using his office EMR *FROM* the hospital.

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