Error: Illegal entry in bfchar block in ToUnicode CMap

Discussion in 'Rebol' started by MaxV, Apr 21, 2010.

  1. MaxV

    MaxV Member

    I receive the following error in a script:

    Error: Illegal entry in bfchar block in ToUnicode CMap

    what does it mean?
    Thank you
  2. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    Need more information ... is this a library you are working with?
  3. MaxV

    MaxV Member

    Well, I wrote a script that read the list of pdf files with:
    a: read %.
    and then call external program to make a preview of the first page.
    Now I suppose that the problem is about the name of the files, with à, è, ì, or ù (in Italy they are very used...) ; and moreover the files bornt in Windows Xp and they are worked in Linux, so there is mess in naming conversion from ISO to UTF-8.
    Sincerely I think to rename all in pure ASCII with some program in windows, do you know some good software/script to convert letters with stress mark (à) in ASCII (a)?
  4. MaxV

    MaxV Member

    Founded!!! If a file name contains commas, it will give the error in the object.


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