Connecting to an Excel spreadsheet

Discussion in 'Rebol' started by Noteleks, May 28, 2010.

  1. Noteleks

    Noteleks New Member

    I saw the tutorial on connecting to MYSql, Access so forth. How do I connect to an Excel spreadsheet? I want to be able to make a nice database that takes the stduent's information and picture. Staff will be able to look up a student by any criteria and see picture of that student. Is this possible? What connection string do I use. I am totally new to this. I built databases with Microsoft Access and FileMaker Pro. I am excited about this program but want to make sure I can do what I want. Please advise.
  2. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    I think you can setup an ODBC connection to an Excel spreadsheet, in which case using a DSN means no connection string is required.

    Very much doubt you can get access to pictures thoughs.

    Why do you want to use Excel?
  3. notchent

    notchent Member

    If you want to build the program in REBOL, you could just export your existing data from the spreadsheet as a CSV file, and then parse it with something like:

    ; Read and parse the CSV formatted file:
    filename: %filename.csv
    data: copy []
    lines: read/lines filename
    foreach line lines [
        append/only data parse/all line ","
    ; Add headers from sections of the spreadsheet to each line item:
    info: copy ""
    foreach line data [
        either find "Header" line/1 [
            info: line/1
            append line info
    ; Remove the unwanted descriptive header lines:
    remove-each line data [find "Header" line/1/1]
    remove-each line data [
        (line/3 = "TITLE") or (line/3 = "DESCRIPTION")
    Here's a quick hack of my "card file" example to demonstrate how to save student records with a displayed image:

    REBOL [title: "Student Photos"]
    write/append %data.txt ""
    database: load %data.txt
    view center-face gui: layout [
        text "Load an existing record:"
        name-list: text-list blue 300x80 data sort (extract database 5) [
            if value = none [return]
            marker: index? find database value
            n/text: pick database marker
            a/text: pick database (marker + 1)
            p/text: pick database (marker + 2)
            o/text: pick database (marker + 3)
            p/image: load pick database (marker + 4) p/text: ""
            show gui
        text "Name:"       n: field 300
        text "Address:"    a: field 300
        text "Phone:"      p: field 300
        text "Notes:"      o: area  300x60
        text "Image:"      i: btn 300 [
            i/text: request-file 
            p/image: load to-file i/text
            show gui
        at 340x20 p: image 300x300
        btn "Save" [
            if n/text = "" [alert "You must enter a name." return]
            if find (extract database 5) n/text [
                either true = request "Overwrite existing record?" [
                   remove/part (find database n/text) 5
                ] [
            save %data.txt repend database [
                n/text a/text p/text o/text 
                (read/binary to-file i/text)
            name-list/data: sort (extract copy database 5)
            show name-list
        btn "Delete" [
            if true = request rejoin ["Delete " n/text "?"] [
                remove/part (find database n/text) 5
                save %data.txt database
                do-face clear-button 1
                name-list/data: sort (extract copy database 5)
                show name-list
        clear-button: btn "New" [
            n/text: copy  ""
            a/text: copy  ""
            p/text: copy  ""
            o/text: copy  ""
            p/image: none
            show gui
  4. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

  5. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    BTW, you can eliminate a variable this way

    lines: read/lines filename
    foreach line lines [
        append/only data parse/all line ","
    foreach line  read/lines filename [
        append/only data parse/all line ","
  6. Noteleks

    Noteleks New Member

    Wow, did not expect such quick and good answers. The reason I am using Excel is because our school database downloads in Excel format. I have built a program that we can look up our student by ID or by name and see their picture. This comes in real handy because we have over 2500 students and sometimes we need to identify one. I built it in FileMaker Pro 10. It is a nice program but of course it takes so much resource because I have to build stand alone programs. The district will not buy Server licenses. Thank you for everyone's help. I am going to give this a try. I am very new at this. I tried to go by Barnes and Nobles to get the Rebol for Dummies but they do not carry it.

    Right now I have all my photos in a folder. That is how I call it into FileMaker Pro 10. It resides in a folder on the C:\ drive. Can I do that the same way for this program?
  7. notchent

    notchent Member

    Yes, that's even easier, because you don't have to save the data to the REBOL data file. Just save the file name, and load it each time you update the image display. Here's an updated example:

    REBOL [title: "Student Photos"]
    write/append %photos.txt ""
    database: load %photos.txt
    view center-face gui: layout [
        text "Load an existing record:"
        name-list: text-list blue 300x80 data sort (extract database 5) [
            if value = none [return]
            marker: index? find database value
            n/text: pick database marker
            a/text: pick database (marker + 1)
            p/text: pick database (marker + 2)
            o/text: pick database (marker + 3)
            i/text: pick database (marker + 4)
            photo/image: load to-file i/text
            photo/text: ""
            show gui
        text "Name:"       n: field 300
        text "Address:"    a: field 300
        text "Phone:"      p: field 300
        text "Notes:"      o: area  300x60
        text "Image:"      i: btn 300 [
            i/text: request-file 
            photo/image: load to-file i/text
            show gui
        at 340x20 photo: image 300x300
        btn "Save" [
            if n/text = "" [alert "You must enter a name." return]
            if find (extract database 5) n/text [
                either true = request "Overwrite existing record?" [
                   remove/part (find database n/text) 5
                ] [
            save %photos.txt repend database [
                n/text a/text p/text o/text i/text
            name-list/data: sort (extract copy database 5)
            show name-list
        btn "Delete" [
            if true = request rejoin ["Delete " n/text "?"] [
                remove/part (find database n/text) 5
                save %photos.txt database
                do-face clear-button 1
                name-list/data: sort (extract copy database 5)
                show name-list
        clear-button: btn "New" [
            n/text: copy  ""
            a/text: copy  ""
            p/text: copy  ""
            o/text: copy  ""
            i/text: copy  ""
            photo/image: none
            show gui
  8. notchent

    notchent Member

    By the way, a line by line explanation of the card file example can be found at

    Also the file requester can be made to suit your needs better, for example:

    request-file/title/file/filter "Select a Photo:" "" %/C/folder/ ["*.jpg" "*.png"]
  9. Noteleks

    Noteleks New Member

    Thank you Nonchent. I will work on this and see what I get.
  10. Noteleks

    Noteleks New Member

    Adding Photos

    Ok, I noticed when I ran the file that I had to click on the bar to look for photo. Is there a way to write the program that brings the photo's in automatically by linking it with the student's ID number? Also would I be able to make a search field that someone can search for the student by name or student ID? Thank you for all the help.
  11. notchent

    notchent Member

    Yes - that functionality is already built in. Just make one of the fields an ID number. You can add a many fields as you'd like. The button is just there for the user to select the image when creating a new record. If you already have the file names defined for each student, in your other database, just transfer that information over as part of each individual record (one field can hold the file name).

    To make a search field you could start with something as simple as:

    t: text-list
    f: field [
        results: copy []
        foreach item (extract database 5)  [
            if find item f/text [
                append results item
                t/data: results
                show t
  12. Noteleks

    Noteleks New Member

    Invalid Words

    The following code gives me an "Invalid word" error:

    I saved the Excel file into a CSV (MS_DOS) file. Do I need to change the headers? What is wrong. Thank you.

    REBOL [title: "StudentListRebol"]
    write/append %StudentList.csv ""
    database: load %StudentList.csv
    ; Read and parse the CSV formatted file:
    filename: %StudentList.csv
    data: copy []
    lines: read/lines StudentList
    foreach line lines [
        append/only data parse/all line ","
    ; Add headers from sections of the spreadsheet to each line item:
    info: copy ""
    foreach line data [
        either find "Header" line/1 [
            info: line/1
            append line info
    ; Remove the unwanted descriptive header lines:
    remove-each line data [find "Header" line/1/1]
    remove-each line data [
        (line/3 = "TITLE") or (line/3 = "DESCRIPTION")
  13. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    This looks wrong

    write/append %StudentList.csv "" ; you can just initialize the file to an empty file without the append

    database: load %StudentList.csv ; not sure what this is for ... it now loads an empty file

    ; Read and parse the CSV formatted file:

    filename: %StudentList.csv ; you set the filename to the name of the empty file

    data: copy []

    lines: read/lines StudentList ; StudentList is not defined .. maybe you mean %StudentList, or you meant filename ... but so far it's reading an empty file

    foreach line lines [
    append/only data parse/all line ","
  14. Noteleks

    Noteleks New Member

    Invalid Words

    The %studentlist.csv is my list of students in excel that I saved as a csv file. So I am not sure what you mean about an empty file. That file has information in it. So apparently I am setting it up wrong. I want the Excel file information to poplulate the studentphoto.r that was made by notchent. I was just testing this code to see if it gave me the information that I wanted. I got confused when it basically told me that my headers were invalid words.
  15. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    Ok, try this - remove this line

    write/append %StudentList.csv ""
    and change this line
    lines: read/lines StudentList
    lines: read/lines filename
  16. Noteleks

    Noteleks New Member

    Still getting the same error. Here is the code that I changed. Thank you.

    REBOL [title: "StudentListRebol"]
    database: load %StudentList.csv
    ; Read and parse the CSV formatted file:
    filename: %StudentList.csv
    data: copy []
    lines: read/lines filename
    foreach line lines [
        append/only data parse/all line ","
    ; Add headers from sections of the spreadsheet to each line item:
    info: copy ""
    foreach line data [
        either find "Header" line/1 [
            info: line/1
            append line info
    ; Remove the unwanted descriptive header lines:
    remove-each line data [find "Header" line/1/1]
    remove-each line data [
        (line/3 = "TITLE") or (line/3 = "DESCRIPTION")
  17. notchent

    notchent Member

    Noteleks, to avoid a lot of wasted time, can you post a few example lines of your exported CSV file (with dummy data)?
  18. Noteleks

    Noteleks New Member

    It will not let me upload the example file that I have. When I go to get it. It does not show the csv file. The upload box only defaults to all files, but it will not see the file. Any ideas?
  19. notchent

    notchent Member

    Open the .csv file with notepad or any other text editor, and copy/paste a few lines directly into a reply here. 4 or 5 records should be plenty :)
  20. Noteleks

    Noteleks New Member

    111111,Doe,Steven D,6/16/1992,12
    111111,Doe,Jonathan Daniel,12/16/1991,12
    111111,Smith,Karen J,12/3/1991,12
    111111,Jones,Michael J,6/4/1992,12
    111111,Taylor,Ryan C,1/10/1992,12
    111111,Adam,Kaitlan C,4/30/1992,12
    111111,Travolta,Juan D,1/24/1992,12
    111111,Cruise,Amber E,5/8/1992,12

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