Build 208 betas

Discussion in 'New Release and Beta Release Information' started by Graham, Apr 6, 2007.

  1. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member


    1. No longer loads help messages until switching to that tab
    2. Help messaging is now asynchronous http so that the gui is not blocked
    3. Should not give an error if help server is off line.

  2. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    And forgot to add .. if there are ticklers that are due for the patient, their name changes to a red variant color at the top of the screen.

  3. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    Also forgot to mention that the help forum now posts the time it takes to retrieve the whole forum, and for each message. Usually this is in the sub-second range. So, for me, to refresh the topic list, it is about 0.18 seconds, or 180 milliseconds. Also you may see some colour flashes as it cycles thru different colors. But it is so fast that unless you're on a slow internet connection you probably won't see it.

  4. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member


    1. Tabs re-organized so that all the settings are now under one tab, and providers/staff now under a "people" tab.

    This is to reduce the number of top level tabs and to try and get all the config settings into one tab.

    Needs testing ...
  5. Jason

    Jason Developer / Handyman Staff Member

    Good idea. where was that post where I reduced the number of top level tabs ?

  6. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member


    1. Moved "Drugs" into the "Reports" tab

  7. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    <p style="color: #9e0b0e">


    1. Supports recording read help messages



    1. Help messages are now divided into new and read. Needs server 76 beta-1

    If you have read one of the help messages, they now show in the read table, whereas new messages that are unread appear in the new messages table.
  8. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    Making steady progress on integrating the latest gui toolkit into the next beta.

    Templates are working again, function keys are back, but macros are still being debugged.

    A new release coming up soon ... and the spell checker will return as a pure spell checker.

  9. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member


    1. Using Rebgui build 83. New chat widget etc. Needs extensive checking.

    There are a large number of changes to the underlying GUI toolkit, and so things may not work as they did before.

    But we now get keyboard navigation of tables, a new chat widget, better macro replacement ( double click works better to replace a word ). The chat/help widget corrupts on resizing the window, so use the "Redraw" button to fix this.

    Needs testing to report any inconsistencies before work starts on enhancements ( such as inserting text where the cursor was rather than at the end of text ).

    You are currently stuck at using GUI size 4 ... to be fixed next.
  10. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    Best not to use this build... deleting medications causes Synapse to lock up.

  11. Jason

    Jason Developer / Handyman Staff Member

    maybe call them alphas :)

  12. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    I need to still document all the differences in behavior, and many mice makes light work!

  13. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member


    1. Using Rebgui build 83. New chat widget etc. Needs extensive checking.
    2. No longer locksup when deleting a medication
    3. GUI sizes now change, but GUI size 3 is not particularly usable at present.
    4. Spellchecker is activated by Control-S in a text area. You need to download an appropriate dictionary from here and save it to the dictionary/ directory
    5. Note that when the spellchecker updates the dictionary, it only does that locally and not across the network
  14. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member


    1. New tifviewer preference ( see Settings/Misc )
    2. Windows now open on top
    3. Insertion of macros/templates are at the cursor and not at the end of the text
    4. Various other fixes

    This should be the final beta for 208 unless someone finds a bug.
  15. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    Did I mention that B9 has an integrated calendar when adding results?

    And gone for the moment is the tree widget.

    Attached Files:

  16. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member


    1. Dictation window now stays on top of every other window
    2. Some patient form fixes
    3. Renamed "Questionaires" tab to "Forms"

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