I am going to be using the Appts Scheduler more and more now. One thing I'd like is a place to put billing information. I have relatively easy billing. I put a Billing Code (usually A007, A003 or A001) and an OHIP Diagnosis Code (3 numbers)(or a diagnosis and my secretary looks it up). I'd like to be able to do this as I see patients. Just quickly put it in during the day. All I need is a safe spot for the information. I don't want to have to use the SuperBill feature. What I would do is ... Print the List at the end of the morning and the afternoon ... with the patient names and times (but I'd like my billing information to be on there.) My secretary would then enter it into my billing program and bill OHIP from there. Shouldn't be too much work for her. For me, the <u>Location</u> Information is not required. Q: Could I put the Billing Information in the location field ? safely ? Q: Could we devise a simple billing per appt system ? The Current [Print Screen] (better to call it [Print Sched] ) does: <table><tbody><tr><th>Time</th><th>Patient</th><th>Comment</th></tr></tbody></table> How about adding the Location Field to the printout ? (that would help).
Huh? I thought you said your secretary said it wasn't fast enough for her? Why not? Yes. That blank column you see near the right hand side is for a paid indicator [] Easy to add ...
I think the main problem was my "Staff Schedule" wasn't filled out right. So the unfilled spots weren't shown as empty. It just listed no appointments. Of course you can imagine how slow it would be if you had to type the time in .. etc. I am going to get her to try it tomorrow. I think it should be pretty peppy. []
Seems too complicated for me. A few features would be handy. #1) I don't bill patients, so they don't need any paper when they leave. #2) I don't use HCFA claims. #3) it doesn't have OHIP visit codes or diagnosis codes. #4) I don't use the consult window yet for every visit. Q: Where does all this billing information go ? I don't know where it could be retrieved. I would still need to print out the morning appointments and then the afternoon appts with my billing info for my secretary to enter in your billing program.
Yeah ... that's the way it works in the USA. If you export it, it's saved to the server, and then exported to a special directory which you specify