(1) Add New (2) Say No to popup: (3) Enter as below: (4) Click >INBOX. (5) File transfers .... but doesnt show up anywhere. And the file is deleted. When inspecting the server ... it actually uses the patient mentioned in the popup (the file name is prepended with that user's ID number) ... but it doesnt show up in their chart ! But I see the file on the server in \cache-listener\ but it doesnt show up in the patient's chart Suggestion: Is there a way to prevent this type of data loss ?
And when you click [No] to the popup, blank the patient variable (in case it has been assigned, but not displayed.).
I tested this out, and the result actually goes to patient with ID 0, which in my case is "Admin Admin" and I can then transfer the result to the correct patient. Anyway, fixed in latest version.