Interface to Practice Management Systems

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by samlock, Sep 26, 2006.

  1. samlock

    samlock New Member

    Just started looking at Synapse EMR a week ago. very impressive, easy to use.

    Has anyone done interface to any Practice Management Software (PMS).

    Items of Interest.

    PMS side already has Patients and appts.

    Would like to send SYNAPSE a daily list of patient demographics and appt times.
    These would appear on Synapse's APPTS tab, separated by Provider.
    The Patients would be automatically added to Synapse Patient database. Use SSN as unique key

    When Synapse finishes an encounter, a set of billing info would be sent back to the PMS.
    I think hhis could happen when Synapse Prints Superbill.


    Sam Lock
  2. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    Thanks. That's the aim!

    Not yet. We already have demographics and appointments .. so we are looking at finding a suitable billing program we can interface with.

    But yes, the above scenario is feasible with a few changes. There are some database requirements other than name and SSN. So, gender, dob etc are required before we can add a new patient into Synapse EMR.
  3. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    An interface to a PMS/billing system has been completed and submitted for testing.

    Stay tuned !
  4. cableops

    cableops New Member

    Dr. Chiu,

    Would it be possible for you to forward me the specifications for your PMS interface and HL7 lab orders/results interface?

    I am hoping to contribute to your connectivity needs.


  5. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    I'll send you some preliminary docs.
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I am a newbie - will Synapse EMR interface with a certain PMS/billing system?



  7. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    Hello Carolyn

    We just completed an interface to Zybex ( ), a California based PMS/billing company. They've tested it and are happy with the interface which exports patients and appointments from their system to ours, and we send billing data back to them.

  8. Jason

    Jason Developer / Handyman Staff Member

    Do you have any in mind ?
  9. cableops

    cableops New Member

    [quote user="Graham"]

    We just completed an interface to Zybex ( ), a California based PMS/billing company. They've tested it and are happy with the interface which exports patients and appointments from their system to ours, and we send billing data back to them.


    What version or server and client includes support for this interface?

  10. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    Client 193, and Server 68

    Go to preferences to set up the shared directories, and then from the interface tab, start the interface.

    Only one client on the network should have the interface running.

  11. Jason

    Jason Developer / Handyman Staff Member

    [quote user="Graham"]

    They've tested it and are happy with the interface which exports patients and appointments from their system to ours, <u>and we send billing data back to them</u>. [/quote]

    How does this work ? ie. How does the billing data get sent to Zybex ?

  12. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    When the user creates a superbill, there are three options. One of those is to export the superbill. When that gets exported, it actually gets saved to the synapse server.

    A designated client on the network then pulls all the exported superbills from the server every few seconds and sends them to the Zybex directory.

    This allows ASP clients where the server is remote to interact with a PMS system where the PMS server is also ASP.

  13. Jason

    Jason Developer / Handyman Staff Member

    Very Fancy. I'll have to look into the SuperBill stuff.
  14. Jason

    Jason Developer / Handyman Staff Member

    What are the specs for this "PMS Export Directory (appointments)" feature ? (in >Settings>Interface> )
  15. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    I'll email them to you ... I will put them up here later on as a download.

  16. Sorry Jason - I did not see this post. I actually bill directly to Medicare with their Pro32 PC-Ace system which is not very user friendly. However, it is free which is good as I am a solo doc with a nursing home practice. I have been trying to use Quickbooks, but since there is not an interface with anything in the billing system - I usually do not have time to go back and reenter all the info. I am losing money though without a system to make sure I am getting paid by Medicare.

  17. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    Someone else here is using Synapse EMR with Pro32 PC-Ace.

    Perhaps they could chime in ...
  18. DrO

    DrO New Member

    I use PC-ACE Pro32 to bill Medicare. It is easy to use if you import data from your billing system. I use Medisoft 9 to enter my billing information and output a "paper" file. I submitted 15 different claims to my carrier BCBS FL and they mapped the output from Medisoft to PC-ACE. I can import the data and PC-ACE allows me to correct mistakes. This will work until Medicare requires the new CMS 1500 form. Medisoft will not provide a conversion program, they want us to buy Medisoft 11. Fortunately, PC-ACE is up to date with all Medicare changes.

    One problem that is inherent in PC-ACE is that the data imported is NOT permanent. Only the claims entered manually are kept. The patient information has to be entered once, it is then available for subsequent billing. In my spare time I am trying to import the patient information from Medisoft into the PC-ACE patient database.

    I print all the reports that PC-ACE provides to pdf files. Weekly files can be combined into a larger pdf file. The file can be searched very easily with Adobe Acrobat and with the EOB in hand you can check if the claim has been paid. A lot faster than going through several pages of printout!! Get Paperport 11, very reasonably priced. You can scan your EOB's into Paperport as fully searchable pdf files. Jason uses Paperport( $99 ) and Omnipage ( $500 ) to obtain fully searchable documents.

    Must likely I will bite the bullet and buy Medisoft 11, the cheapest edition. Once you have learned it is pretty powerful.

    From Paperport you can send and receive faxes.
  19. samlock

    samlock New Member

    Dr O, Dr McDonald

    Zybexhaspractice management software that handles all aspects of billing, including Medicare Electronic biiling, as well as Medicare EOB posting. Our software fully integrates with Synapse, and is availableas an ASP service.

    If interested, feel free to contact me email:

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