PostScript Templates

Discussion in 'Documentation & Training Resources' started by Graham, Jul 8, 2006.

  1. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    <p class="MsoNormal">PostScript templates are used to create the printer layout
    for some letter, prescription styles, graphs, and currently is the only way to define a
    print layout for the Superbill. Using PostScript means that if you
    have a PostScript capable printer, you can easily print to a local or network
    PS printer without going thru the process of first creating a PDF which is how
    most of Synapse EMR printing is done.

    PostScript printers tend to be higher end lasers, and many color lasers are
    PostScript capable. But be careful when purchasing as some of the low end
    color lasers that are windows specific are cheaper precisely because they lack
    PostScript. Older B&amp;W lasers from HP were also PostScript capable
    such as the 4MP, but of course they were very expensive when first released
    some 12 years ago! You can purchase a used PostScript printer off eBay
    for less than $100 - but make sure first that it works with Windows and is not
    Macintosh specific!

    Synapse EMR comes with a built-in template for the Superbill. However, you may wish to customise if you
    need to change the layout. To see the
    built in layout, in Synapse EMR build 166 and higher

    1. <li class="MsoNormal" style="">Navigate
      to the Custom/PostScript tab<li class="MsoNormal" style="">Select
      “invoice” from the drop down menu near the bottom left<li class="MsoNormal" style="">Click
      on the “Default” button same line, and it will be displayed on the right<li class="MsoNormal" style="">Type
      a name for the template in the field above the buttons eg. Superbill, and
      then “Add New”<li class="MsoNormal" style="">You
      are now ready to make changes, and test them. When happy with the changes, use the “Update” button.

    <p class="MsoNormal">To activate the new template

    1. <li class="MsoNormal" style="">Navigate
      to the Settings/PostScript tab<li class="MsoNormal" style="">Click
      on the “?” button to the right of the “Superbill Template” label<li class="MsoNormal" style="">One
      template called “superbill” or whatever name you used will appear in the
      list<li class="MsoNormal" style="">Click
      on the name to select it, and then use the “Save Config” button to save
      this setting.

    <p class="MsoNormal"><o:p></o:p>The PostScript templates use a DSL ( domain specific
    language ) to specify the layout. At
    present this is undocumented, but can be inferred from the examples. If you need help, ask on the forums.

    <p class="MsoNormal">NB: When you use a PostScript template, it previews in a
    window which allows you to view at different sizes etc. This may well be blank if you do not install
    the optional PostScript font package!
  2. Jason

    Jason Developer / Handyman Staff Member


    How to customize your Prescriptions.

  3. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member


    I use a template called "A4 script generic" which is below
    The "at nxn" tells the printer where to place the following item on the page. The item can be a keyword such as "My-name", or "patient-table" which takes information from the database or configuration settings. Or, it can be text as long as there is a font directive before that.

    So, lets go thru this template line by line

    pagesize A4

    Set the pagesize to A4. Can be letter, or A5.

    font Times-BoldItalic 30

    Use the PostScript font, Times-BoldItalic in a 30 point size for the heading

    linewidth 1

    Use a linewidth of 1 point for any lines we draw. We are going to draw 3 lines in this template later on.

    at 190x750 My-Name

    On the page measured from the bottom left, place My-name at 190x750 points where there are 72 points per inch. My-name is set up in Settings.

    color (black)

    Use the color black for any printing until we change the color. Note the ( ).

    font Times-Roman 12

    Change the font to Times-Roman at 12 point size

    newpath at 75x725 line1

    Start a newpath ( ie. we've finished with the text now ), and at 75x725 place the text corresponding to Line1 of the doctors address in Settings.

    at 75x715 line2

    at 75x705 line3

    Print Line2 and Line3 of the doctors address

    at 440x725 "Reg: "

    At 440x725 put the text "Reg: " still using the same font as last set.

    at 465x725 medical-registration

    Now at 465x725 ( on the same y setting, but 25 points to the right of "Reg: " ) put the medical registration as taken from the doctor's Settings.

    at 445x715 "Ph: "

    at 465x715 ph

    at 445x705 "Fx: "

    at 465x705 fx

    Do similar for the phone and fax from Setttings

    at 75x680 "Date:" font Times-Bold at 105x680 today

    Put the text "Date: " and then change to a bold font before printing today's date.

    font Times-Roman 14

    Change to a larger font size of 14

    at 75x655 patient-table

    Now at 75x655, print the patient's address details as taken from the database.

    at 360x660 "Dob:" at 400x660 dob

    Print the date of birth

    newpath at 75x740 line 530x740
    newpath at 75x700 line 530x700

    Draw a couple of parallel lines across the page 75x740 to 530x740, and 75x700 to 530x700

    font Times-Roman 12

    Change to a 12 point font

    at 75x570 pre
  4. DrO

    DrO New Member

    I got rid of my PostScript HP printer 3 years ago. Substituted it for 2 HP LaserJet 1000 series $98 dollars each. Very nice printers with reasonable upkeep.

    Will ghostscript work?

    Got this site:Creating a Virtual Postscript Printer in Windows using Ghostscript

  5. Jason

    Jason Developer / Handyman Staff Member

    Yes. Ghostscript and GSview will work. That is what I use.

    In the >Settings>Postscript area - enter the location of GSVIew. For me it is ..

    c:\Program Files\Ghostgum\gsview\gsview32.exe

  6. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member


    Redmon should work, but it looks very complicated to setup. Basically with Redmon, ghostscript is used to create the bitmap that is eventually sent to the printer. With a PS printer of course, it's much easier and quicker because all the processing is offloaded to the printer itself. With Redmon/Ghostscript, the processing has to be done by the PC.

    You can get cheap second hand postscript printers on eBay etc.

  7. laumansm

    laumansm New Member

    Since my beta of Synapse came only with two templates, I copied and pasted the templates from the demo version of Synapse online. Some of these do not work for me, it throws errors with some of the templates. Thus, would anyone mind sending me or publishing here all her or his templates?

    Thanks, Marius
  8. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    Nope ... you have all the default templates.

    In Settings/PostScript templates

    use the drop down list. Select one of each you don't have. click on "Default" to create it. Resize it to Letter. Give it a name, and then save it.

    you may see errors if you don't have a patient loaded up to fill the template.
  9. laumansm

    laumansm New Member

    I get "There's an error in your postscript template, or you have not selected a patient first!" when I try to print a consult note using the default. If I try to print repeatedly, it crashes my GUI. Marius

    EDIT: I know why. For some reason, I got a "script" default template into my letter template and that screwed things up. It works now, flawlessly.
  10. Jason

    Jason Developer / Handyman Staff Member

    Would it be smarter for new demo'ers to have more defaults set ?

    How hard would it be ?

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