Bad "association-based" "research" and the media's love of it

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Jason, Jun 23, 2014.

  1. Jason

    Jason Developer / Handyman Staff Member

    It's tiring reading Health news.
    So much of it is just bad associational research that should never make it into the media.
    But, because it tends to be headline-grabbing ... it seems the Internet is making this trend worse.

    There is almost endless material.
    I ignore most of it.
    The rest I will post here.
    I'll say this information is close to useless and is more likely to cause harm than benefit.

    The most useful word in this article is "MAY". Should be bolded and highlighted.
  2. Graham

    Graham Developer Staff Member

    If mum is depressed, she's not going to take of her kids.
    And kids will suffer with their health.

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